September 15 2024

I forgot to write anything in here, not like it really matters, but school started July 31st (CRIMINAL). It's been okay I guess

June 25 2024

God I'm so excited to turn 18 and move out. I'd rather live under a god damn bridge.

June 20 2024

I wish people would shut their big fat mouths. On the 14th, $uicideboy$ released a new album. I've honestly not listened to it. I don't like KYS pt V and I'm not surprised but just sad. I wish I liked the recent KYS songs but.. I guess I deserve it heh. I was so excited for this song though.

May 31 2024

Let's see if I consistently update this again. I got a 5-string bass and I've just been doing a whole bunch of nothing.

May 7 2024

It was my birthday 6 days ago teehee. I am a year older. I literally forgot about this and I have nooo motivation to keep going omg ;-;

April 6 2024

Feels super lazy using a premade layout, but I can never really seem to have any good layout ideas? Not the code or anything, I just suck at organizing stuff.

April 3 2024

I need to redo most of the code on some pages cause of the shit slodge grid fart crap layouts. I really like this little journal thing i did loll.. I love my boyfriend so much. I am so grateful 4 everything. specially my bf. love him soo much

April 2 2024

I've been watching TwD with my boyfriend 😜 We also tried to watch The Joker movie. I live under a big fucking boulder and have seen neither. I think about this a lot. Scrim made a song with the title referencing it.

April 1 2024

I miss when I belonged to a friend group. I've been listening to Cannibal Corpse since my boyfriend likes them. I've always meant to get into them. Neat-o music

March 29 2024

I've been coding away trying to redo everything cause I don't want to use a stylesheet that isn't my own. I've been going to sleep around 7AM cause I stay up so late

March 26 2024

I wish something I said would make a difference to anyone ever. It's unrealistic to dream big like that, I wish all of the world would fucking blow up.

March 21 2024

I am finally at a place where I can say that I will be updating this site frequently thank FUCK

Feb 22 2024

codings such a pain in the ass. i said that dec 5 and rebranded with complete intentions of like updating everyday LMGAODAIDJSFIASHDCIUISiUNFUIDdasfh gnijohjdb.fg...... kill me,........

Dec 5th 2023

This is my first entry in here, its 3 am right now so there isnt much to rlly talk about you know. Ive been coding the whole night... Yesterday i did go to the bookstore and finished a series of books i was collecting. Fucking awesome. I love reading. Haha it's funny cause i wasnt even thinking when i picked out that jerma gif on the right. I might change it to something else but for now its gonna be jerma cause i looooove me a good jerma stream